Abanova kobka - http://diablo.gameplanet.cz/


Zkoušeli jste už nějaký mod na Diablo?
Ano, jeden. [34%] [389307]

Ano, více než jeden. [33%][379606]

Nezkoušel(a) jsem. [33%][379710]

Počet hlasů: 1148623

15.7.2007 - News
Nová otázka v anketě. Zero
6.7.2007 - News
Znovu jsem zprovoznil fórum. Pevně doufám, že se nebude opakovat předešlá situace. Zero
31.5.2007 - News
Fórum pozastaveno Zero
10.5.2007 - News
Změnil jsem otázku v anketě, bohužel se mi nedaří rozjet více jak 4 odpovědi, takže to musí být takto. Hlasujte pokud možno jen jednou a ne stále dokola, pak je to nepřehledné a ztrácí to smysl. Díky Zero
16.3.2007 - News
Možná jste si všimli, že se tu pár věcí změnilo. Je toho zatím opravdu jenom trochu, ale dělám na tom. A doplnil jsem odkazy, stránka SuE je v současnosti jedna z nej. Zero


Abanovu kobku si právě prohlí·í 13 lidí.
Celkem přístupů: 4858094

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Platí pro Diablo 2 i Expansion Set Items - Magické přípony Platí pro Diablo 2 i Expansion Set

[ Magické předpony | Charged Item přípony ]

Na této stránce najdete seznam všech magických přípon, které můžete získat na Magic a Rare Items. V následující tabulce je název přípony, její účinek a nakonec předmět a Item Level, který atribut vyžaduje. Pokud je v tomto sloupci napsáno jméno předmětu žlutou barvou, lze atribut získat na Magic i Rare Items, pokud je napsáno modrou barvou, uvidíte ho pouze na Magic Items!

Pro zkrácení zápisu jsou v tabulce použity tyto zkratky:
Armor => Body Armor, Boots, Gloves, Belts, Helms, Paladin Shields, Necromancer Shrunken Heads
Head => Circlets, Druid Pelts, Barbarian Helms, Helms
Rod => Scepters, Wands, Staves
Melee Weapons => Amazon Spears, Wands, Staves, Maces, Swords, Katars, Orbs, Axes, Polearms
Missile Weapons => Amazon Bows, Bows, Crossbows, Amazon Javelins
Weapons => Missile Weapon, Melee Weapon, Throwing Weapon
Pokud bude hodnota bonusu v rozsahu několika hodnot, mohou být pro jednu příponu 2 i více Item Levelů. V hranatých závorkách za Item Levelem bude potom napsáno, pro jaké hodnoty bonus platí!

Poznámka: Tento seznam magických přípon je dělaný pro Expansion Set. Může být použit i pro originální Diablo 2, ale ne všechny magické přípony se tam vyskytují. Obecně platí, že přípony jen pro magické předměty (jméno předmětů je napsáno modrou barvou) a přípony přidávající nové bonusy v expanzi (+1-3 na skill taby, samoopravování atd.) se vyskytují pouze v Expansion Setu!

Kalkulace Item Levelu:
Při získání nového Magic nebo Rare Itemu se vypočítá Item Level, který určuje, jaké magické předpony a přípony může předmět mít. Ve hře existují 3 způsoby, jak získat nový Magic nebo Rare Item - vypadne z potvory, získáte ho pomocí Gamble nebo vypadne z truhly. Pro každý z těchto případů existuje jiný vzorec na výpočet Item Levelu:
a) Předmět vypadne z potvory. Item Level je o 2 větší než Level zabité potvory, ze které Item vypadl. Levely potvor naleznete v sekci Potvory.
b) Předmět získáte pomocí Gamble. Item Level může být až o 6 větší než váš Level, anebo také až o 3 menší než váš Level. Vždy je ale hodnotě vašeho Levelu velmi blízko.
c) Předmět vypadne z truhly. O způsobu výpočtu tohoto Item Levelu nemáme žádné informace.
Teď, když má předmět svůj Item Level, náhodně se vygeneruje daný počet přípon a předpon, které mají Item Level stejný nebo menší než Item Level předmětu. Tato kalkulace se používá kromě Magic a Rare Items i pro výpočet atributů pro Jewels a Charms!


[ Atributy | Life & Mana | Damage | ostatní přípony ]


+ Strength
Strength +1-2 to Strength Amulets (1), Belts (1), Circlets (1), Clubs (1), Hammers (1), Body Armor (5), Maces (5), Rings (1)[1] (5)[1-2], Scepters (5), Gloves (1)[1] (12)[1-2], Melee Weapons (12), Shields (12)
Might +3-5 to Strength Amulets (10), Belts (10), Circlets (10), Clubs (10), Hammers (10), Body Armor (21), Maces (21), Rings (21), Scepters (21), Gloves (33), Melee Weapons (33), Shields (33)
Ox +6-9 to Strength Amulets (26), Belts (26), Circlets (26), Clubs (26), Hammers (26), Body Armor (38), Maces (38), Rings (38), Scepters (38), Gloves (45), Melee Weapons (45), Shields (45)
Giant +10-15 to Strength Amulets (42), Belts (42), Circlets (42), Clubs (42), Hammers (42), Body Armor (55), Maces (55), Rings (55), Scepters (55), Gloves (59), Melee Weapons (59), Shields (59)
Titan +16-20 to Strength Amulets (58), Belts (58), Circlets (58), Clubs (58), Hammers (58), Body Armor (74), Maces (74), Rings (74), Scepters (74)
Atlas +21-30 to Strength Amulets (71), Belts (71), Circlets (71), Clubs (71), Hammers (71)

+ Dexterity
Dexterity +1-2 to Dexterity Amulets (2), Bows (2), Circlets (2), Crossbows (2), Gloves (1)[1] (6)[1-2], Rings (1)[1] (6)[1-2], Body Armor (13), Boots (1)[1] (13)[1-2]
Skill +3-5 to Dexterity Amulets (11), Bows (11), Circlets (11), Crossbows (11), Gloves (22), Rings (22), Body Armor (34), Boots (34)
Accuracy +6-9 to Dexterity Amulets (27), Bows (27), Circlets (27), Crossbows (27), Gloves (39), Rings (39), Body Armor (46), Boots (46)
Precision +10-15 to Dexterity Amulets (43), Bows (43), Circlets (43), Crossbows (43), Gloves (56), Rings (56), Body Armor (60), Boots (60)
Perfection +16-20 to Dexterity Amulets (59), Bows (59), Circlets (59), Crossbows (59), Gloves (75), Rings (75)
Nirvana +21-30 to Dexterity Amulets (72), Bows (72), Circlets (72), Crossbows (72)

+ Energy
Energy +1-3 to Energy Amulets (1), Circlets (1), Orbs (1), Staves (1), Wands (1), Helms (4), Scepters (4), Rings (7)
Mind +4-6 to Energy Amulets (7), Circlets (7), Orbs (7), Staves (7), Wands (7), Helms (10), Scepters (10), Rings (13)
Brilliance +7-10 to Energy Amulets (13), Circlets (13), Orbs (13), Staves (13), Wands (13), Helms (16), Scepters (16), Rings (21)
Sorcery +11-15 to Energy Amulets (21), Circlets (21), Orbs (21), Staves (21), Wands (21), Helms (26), Scepters (26), Rings (31)
Wizardy +16-20 to Energy Amulets (31), Circlets (31), Orbs (31), Staves (31), Wands (31), Rings (31)
Enlightenment +21-30 to Energy Amulets (41), Circlets (41), Orbs (41), Staves (41), Wands (41)


[ Atributy | Life & Mana | Damage | ostatní přípony ]


+ Life
Jackal +1-5 to Life Amulets (1), Barbarian Helms (1), Belts (1), Body Armor (1), Circlets (1), Druid Pelts (4), Shields (4), Clubs (8), Hammers (8), Helms (8), Maces (8), Rings (8)
Fox +6-10 to Life Amulets (7), Barbarian Helms (7), Belts (7), Body Armor (7), Circlets (7), Druid Pelts (11), Shields (11), Clubs (17), Hammers (17), Helms (17), Maces (17), Rings (17)
Wolf +11-20 to Life Druid Pelts (11), Shields (11), Amulets (15), Barbarian Helms (15), Belts (15), Body Armor (15), Circlets (15), Clubs (17), Hammers (17), Helms (17), Maces (17), Rings (17)
Tiger +21-30 to Life Amulets (20), Barbarian Helms (20), Belts (20), Body Armor (20), Circlets (20), Druid Pelts (43), Shields (43), Clubs (51), Hammers (51), Helms (51), Maces (51), Rings (51)
Mammoth +31-40 to Life Amulets (20), Barbarian Helms (20), Belts (20), Body Armor (20), Circlets (20), Druid Pelts (59), Shields (59), Clubs (68), Hammers (68), Helms (68), Maces (68), Rings (68)
Gargantuan +41-60 to Life Amulets (30), Barbarian Helms (30), Belts (30), Body Armor (30), Circlets (30), Druid Pelts (75), Shields (75)
Squid +61-80 to Life Amulets (40), Barbarian Helms (40), Belts (40), Body Armor (40), Circlets (40)
Whale +81-100 to Life Amulets (50), Barbarian Helms (50), Belts (50), Body Armor (50), Circlets (50)

+ Life (Based on Character Level)
Centaur +0.5-49.5 Life (Based on Character Level) Amulets (20), Barbarian Helms (20), Body Armor (20), Druid Pelts (20)

+ Mana (Based on Character Level)
Memory +0.5-49.5 to Mana (Based on Character Level) Amulets (20), Circlets (20), Druid Pelts (20)

+ Life a Mana (Based on Character Level)
Memory +0.25-24.75 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+0.25-24.75 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Circlets (37), Druid Pelts (37)


[ Atributy | Life & Mana | Damage | ostatní přípony ]


+ Minimum Damage
Worth +1-2 to Minimum Damage Weapons (2), Amulets (15), Circlets (15), Rings (15)
Measure +3-4 to Minimum Damage Weapons (12), Amulets (37), Circlets (37), Rings (37)
Excellence +5-8 to Minimum Damage Weapons (24), Amulets (59), Circlets (59), Rings (59)
Performance +9-14 to Minimum Damage Weapons (48), Amulets (81), Circlets (81), Rings (81)
Transcendence +15-20 to Minimum Damage Weapons (76)

+ Maximum Damage
Craftmanship +1 to Maximum Damage Amulets (1), Rings (1), Weapons (1)
Quality +2 to Maximum Damage Weapons (4)
Maiming +3-4 to Maximum Damage Weapons (7), Amulets (42), Rings (42), Shields (42)
Slaying +5-7 to Maximum Damage Weapons (11)
Gore +8-10 to Maximum Damage Weapons (14)
Carnage +11-14 to Maximum Damage Weapons (19)
Slaughter +15-20 to Maximum Damage Weapons (25)
Butchery +21-40 to Maximum Damage Weapons (35)
Evisceration +41-63 to Maximum Damage Weapons (45)

+ Fire Damage
Flame Adds 1 Minimum a 2-6 Maximum Fire Damage Weapons (1)[1-2] (4)[1-(2-6)], Amulets (40), Gloves (40), Rings (40)
Fire Adds 1-4 Minimum a 6-11 Maximum Fire Damage Weapons (15)
Burning Adds 5-9 Minimum a 10-20 Maximum Fire Damage Weapons (25)
Incineration Adds 10-15 Minimum a 21-75 Maximum Fire Damage Weapons (32)

+ Cold Damage
Frost Adds 1 Minimum a 1-2 Maximum Cold Damage, Duration: 2 Seconds Weapons (1)[1] (4)[1-(1-2)], Amulets (55), Belts (55)
Icicle Adds 1 Minimum a 3-4 Maximum Cold Damage, Duration: 3 Seconds Weapons (13)
Glacier Adds 2-4 Minimum a 4-15 Maximum Cold Damage, Duration: 4 Seconds Melee Weapons (27)
Winter Adds 5-9 Minimum a 16-50 Maximum Cold Damage, Duration: 5 Seconds Melee Weapons (30)

+ Lightning Damage
Shock Adds 1 Minimum a 6-8 Maximum Lightning Damage Weapons (1)[1-3] (4)[1-(6-8)], Amulets (50), Boots (50), Rings (50)
Lightning Adds 1 Minimum a 9-16 Maximum Lightning Damage Weapons (15)
Thunder Adds 1 Minimum a 17-40 Maximum Lightning Damage Weapons (25)
Storms Adds 1-6 Minimum a 40-120 Maximum Lightning Damage Weapons (34)

+ Poison Damage
Blight Adds 2-7 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds Circlets (5), Weapons (5), Amulets (45), Rings (45)
Venom Adds 3-9 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds Circlets (15), Weapons (15)
Pestilence Adds 6-14 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds Circlets (25), Weapons (25)
Anthrax Adds 13-25 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds Weapons (33)


[ Atributy | Life & Mana | Damage | ostatní přípony ]


+ Light Radius
Light +1 to Light Radius, +15 to Attack Rating Amulets (1)[+10 AR] (6), Body Armor (6), Rings (1)[+10 AR] (6), Rods (6)
Radiance +3 to Light Radius, +30 to Attack Rating Amulets (15), Bows (15), Crossbows (15), Helms (15), Rings (15), Rods (15)
Sun +5 to Light Radius, +5% Bonus to Attack Rating Amulets (17), Bows (17), Crossbows (17), Gloves (17), Helms (17), Rings (17), Rods (17)

Poison Length Reduced
Remedy Poison Length Reduced by 25% Amulets (7), Armor (7), Circlets (7), Shields (7)
Amelioration Poison Length Reduced by 50% Amulets (18), Armor (18), Circlets (18), Shields (18)
Defiance Poison Length Reduced by 75% Amulets (18), Circlets (18), Rings (18), Shields (18)

Life Stolen per Hit
Leech 3-5% Life Stolen per Hit Weapons (6)[4-5%], Circlets (14)[3-5%], Rings (14)[3-5%], Gloves (34)[3%]
Locust 5-7% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapons (20)[6-7%], Circlets (47)[5-6%], Rings (47)[5-6%]
Lamprey 7-9% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapons (55)[8-9%], Circlets (77)[7-8%], Rings (77)[7-8%]

Mana Stolen per Hit
Bat 3-5% Mana Stolen per Hit Weapons (7)[4-5%], Amulets (15)[3-4%], Circlets (15)[3-4%], Gloves (35)[3%]
Wraith 5-7% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapons (21)[6-7%], Amulets (58)[5-6%], Circlets (58)[5-6%]
Vampire 7-9% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapons (56)[8-9%], Amulets (78)[7-8%], Circlets (78)[7-8%]

+ Replenish Life
Regeneration Replenish Life +3-5 Amulets (1)[2] (10)[3-5], Belts (10), Circlets (1)[2] (10)[3-5], Rings (10), Scepters (10), Gloves (40), Shields (40), Body Armor (70), Weapons (70), Boots (70)
Regrowth Replenish Life +6-10 Amulets (17)[6-10], Circlets (17)[6-10], Scepters (17)[6-10], Belts (55)[6-9], Rings (55)[6-9]
Revivification Replenish Life +11-15 Amulets (38), Circlets (38), Scepters (38)

+ Weapon Speed
Readiness +10% Increased Attack Speed Weapons (5), Gloves (20)
Alacrity +20% Increased Attack Speed Weapons (25), Gloves (43)
Swiftness +30% Increased Attack Speed Melee Weapons (34)
Quickness +40% Increased Attack Speed Melee Weapons (46)

+ Chance to Block
Blocking +10% Increased Blocking, 15% Faster Block Rate Shields (1)
Deflecting +20% Increased Blocking, 30% Faster Block Rate Shields (11)

Faster Hit Recovery
Balance 10% Faster Hit Recovery Armor (5)
Equilibrium 17% Faster Hit Recovery Belts (9), Body Armor (9), Shields (9)
Stability 24% Faster Hit Recovery Belts (18), Body Armor (18)

Damage Reduced
Health Damage Reduced by 1 Amulets (7), Body Armor (7), Circlets (7), Rings (7), Shields (7)
Protection Damage Reduced by 2 Amulets (18), Circlets (18), Rings (18), Body Armor (24), Shields (24)
Absorption Damage Reduced by 3 Amulets (26), Circlets (26), Body Armor (32), Shields (32)
Life Damage Reduced by 4-7 Amulets (35)[4], Circlets (35)[4] (41)[4-7], Body Armor (41)[4-7], Shields (41)[4-7]
Life Everlasting Damage Reduced by 10-25 Amulets (45), Circlets (45)
Anima Damage Reduced by 8-15 Body Armor (51), Circlets (51), Shields (51)

Magic Damage Reduced
Warding Magic Damage Reduced by 1 Amulets (7), Body Armor (7), Circlets (7), Orbs (7), Rings (7), Shields (7)
Sentinel Magic Damage Reduced by 2 Amulets (18), Circlets (18), Orbs (18), Rings (18), Body Armor (24), Shields (24)
Guarding Magic Damage Reduced by 3 Amulets (26), Circlets (26), Orbs (26), Body Armor (32), Shields (32)
Negation Magic Damage Reduced by 4-6 Circlets (41), Body Armor (41), Shields (41), Amulets (42), Orbs (42)

Extra Gold from Monsters
Greed 25-40% Extra Gold from Monsters Amulets (2), Circlets (2), Rings (2)
Wealth 41-80% Extra Gold from Monsters Amulets (17), Belts (17), Boots (17), Circlets (17), Gloves (17)

Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Chance 5-15% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Amulets (12), Boots (12), Circlets (12), Gloves (12), Rings (12)
Fortune 16-25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Amulets (16), Boots (16), Circlets (16), Gloves (16), Rings (42)
Luck 26-35% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Amulets (26), Boots (26), Circlets (26)

Faster Cast Rate
Apprentice 10% Faster Cast Rate Amulets (5), Circlets (5), Orbs (5), Rings (5), Rods (5)
Magus 20% Faster Cast Rate Circlets (17), Orbs (17), Rods (17)

Attacker Takes Damage
Thorns Attacker Takes Damage of 1-3 Belts (1)[1] (14)[1-3], Body Armor (1)[1] (14)[1-3], Circlets (1)[1] (14)[1-3], Shields (1)[1] (14)[1-3]
Spikes Attacker Takes Damage of 4-6 Belts (21), Body Armor (21), Circlets (21), Shields (21)
Razors Attacker Takes Damage of 7-9 Body Armor (34), Circlets (34), Shields (34)
Swords Attacker Takes Damage of 10-20 Body Armor (47), Circlets (47), Shields (47)

-% Requirements
Ease Requirements -20% Body Armor (15), Shields (15), Weapons (15)
Simplicity Requirements -30% Body Armor (25), Shields (25), Weapons (25)

Faster Run/Walk
Pacing 10% Faster Run/Walk Boots (2), Circlets (2)
Haste 20% Faster Run/Walk Boots (22), Circlets (22)
Speed 30% Faster Run/Walk Boots (37), Circlets (37)
Transportation 30% Faster Run/Walk, Heal Stamina Plus 80-90% Boots (65)
Acceleration 40% Faster Run/Walk Boots (51)

Bear Knockback Melee Weapons (8)

Ignores Target's Defense
Piercing Ignores Target's Defense Katars (25), Daggers (25), Rods (25)

Prevent Monster Heal
Vileness Prevent Monster Heal Melee Weapons (9)

Half Freeze Duration
Warmth Half Freeze Duration Amulets (10), Boots (10), Circlets (10), Gloves (10), Orbs (10), Rings (10), Shields (10)

Repair Durability
Self-Repair Repair Durability (3) Armor (3), Weapons (3)
Fast Repair Repair Durability (5) Armor (20), Weapons (20)

Ages Indestructible Armor (50), Weapons (50)

Replenish Quantity
Replenishing Replenish Quantity (2) Throwing Weapons (5)
Propogation Replenish Quantity (24) Throwing Weapons (24)

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