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Ano, jeden. [34%] [395284]

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Počet hlasů: 1166757

15.7.2007 - News
Nová otázka v anketě. Zero
6.7.2007 - News
Znovu jsem zprovoznil fórum. Pevně doufám, že se nebude opakovat předešlá situace. Zero
31.5.2007 - News
Fórum pozastaveno Zero
10.5.2007 - News
Změnil jsem otázku v anketě, bohužel se mi nedaří rozjet více jak 4 odpovědi, takže to musí být takto. Hlasujte pokud možno jen jednou a ne stále dokola, pak je to nepřehledné a ztrácí to smysl. Díky Zero
16.3.2007 - News
Možná jste si všimli, že se tu pár věcí změnilo. Je toho zatím opravdu jenom trochu, ale dělám na tom. A doplnil jsem odkazy, stránka SuE je v současnosti jedna z nej. Zero


Abanovu kobku si právě prohlí·í 7 lidí.
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Platí pouze pro Expansion Set Games - Expansion Open Postavy
Platí pouze pro Expansion Set

Matriarch Psyker

Komentář autora:
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Titul: Matriarch
Jméno: Psyker
Postava: Sorceress
Typ: Expansion Open Softcore
Level: 78
Experience: 613.403.770
Next Level: 624.419.793
Strength: 135
Dexterity: 42
Vitality: 20
Energy: 311
Damage (Frozen Orb): 206-211
Damage (Fire Wall): 1677-1728
Damage (Meteor): 724-769
Damage (Fire Ball): 612-629
Damage (Thunder Storm): 142-374
Defense: 1183
Stamina: 180
Life: 491
Mana: 1097
Fire Resistance (Hell): 75
Cold Resistance (Hell): 73
Lightning Resistance (Hell): 65
Poison Resistance (Hell): 75

Frozen Orb (level 16)
Fire Wall (level 25)
Meteor (level 25)
Fire Ball (level 25)
Thunder Storm (level 7)
Static Field (level 7)
Chilling Armor (level 7)
Energy Shield (level 9)
Teleport (level 7)
Cold Mastery (level 9)
Lightning Mastery (level 8)
Fire Mastery (level 14)
Warmth (level 20)

Psyker's Chromatic Ire Cedar Staff
Damage: 11-32
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Life 25%
All Resistances +30
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 20
150% Damage to Undead
+1 to Cold Mastery (Sorceress Only)
+1 to Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only)
+1 to Fire Mastery (Sorceress Only)
Smoke Great Hauberk 'NefLum'
Defense: 918
Level 6 Weaken (18 Charges)
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+83% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense vs. Missile
+10 to Energy
All Resistances +50
-1 to Light Radius
Socketed (2)
Sockets: Nef Rune, Lum Rune
Harlequin Crest Shako 'Ist'
Defense: 100
+2 to All Skill Levels
+2 to Strength
+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Vitality
+2 to Energy
+117 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+117 to Mana (Based on Character Level)
Damage Reduced by 10%
75% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Ist Rune
Magefist Light Gauntlets
Defense: 25
+1 to Fire Skills
20% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1-6 Fire Damage
+30% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
Tearhaunch Greaves
Defense: 62
20% Faster Run/Walk
+72% Enhanced Defense
+35 Defense
+5 to Strength
+5 to Dexterity
All Resistances +10
+2 to Vigor (Paladin Only)
Dread Strap Demonhide Sash
Defense: 43
+25% Enhanced Defense
+22 to Life
+13 Maximum Stamina
Lightning Resist +15%
57% Extra Gold from Monsters
Rainbow Amulet
Fire Resist +35%
Cold Resist +29%
Lightning Resist +30%
Poison Resist +56%
Ring 1:
Death Coil
+1 to Maximum Damage
Replenish Life +8
Fire Resist +20%
Cold Resist +24%
Poison Resist +28%
Ring 2:
The Stone of Jordan
+1 to All Skill Levels
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 to Mana
Increase Maximum Mana 25%

Grand Charm of Vita (+40 to Life)
Garnet Large Charm of Sustenance (+17 to Life, Fire Resist +18%)
Rugged Small Charm of Inertia (5% Faster Run/Walk, +6 Maximum Stamina)
Small Charm of Inertia (5% Faster Run/Walk)
Small Charm of Good Luck (7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)
Small Charm of Good Luck (7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)
Small Charm of Good Luck (7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)
Small Charm of Good Luck (7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)


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