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Komentář autora:
"Najskor som zacal svojho nekromanta trenovat ako uplne kazdy clovek, co hral Diablo II. Neskor som zistil, ze zdaleka nestaci mat vela many, ale ze pri vycviku treba aj rozmyslat. Preto som pojal vycvik mojho nekromanta tak netradicne ako to slo a vysledok mozte vidiet tu. Moj nekromant ma dve zakladne zostavy - bojovu a carodejnu. Sucastou bojovej su hlavne predmety zabezpecujuce rychly pohyb a cold enchanting. K carodejnej zostave patria vsetky predmety, ktore zvysuju skilly celkovo o devat co nie je zle a tie co regeneruju manu. Ak by sa vsak mana minula, alebo by doslo k inym okolnostiam (Mana Burn, Blood mana) staci stlacit W a tak sa zbavim 4 skill levelov ktore su nevyuzitelne a utocim zbranov na blizko, ktora ma veeelmi pekne vlastnosti a ma aj crushing blow, co ocenia najma bytosti s veľkým zivotom. A aby to bolo veselsie uz nejaky cas mam najateho Hirelinga (lvl 66) z Lut Gholeinu, ktory ma auru MIGHT, ktora mi pomaha pri utokoch z blizka aj z dialky a velmi posiluje moje jednotky. Snazim sa aby som mal vzdy nejake to eso v rukave. Ak si myslite ze taketo trenovaie je k nicomu snad vas presvedci to, ze Baala som na nightmare porazil s MECOM a nie kuzlami. Ak neverite spytajte sa Pavla, ktory dostal moj screenshot z jeho smrtou. Vacsinu casu utocim aj tak zbranov zblizka, popripade vrhacou dykou, ktora ma zatial vyšší damage ako Bone Spirit."
Titul: Champion
Jméno: Mir
Postava: Necromancer
Typ: Expansion Open Softcore
Level: 68
Experience: 259.271.087
Next Level: 261.129.853
Strength: 168 | 143
Dexterity: 111 | 97
Vitality: 125
| Energy: 100
| Damage (Attack): 505-797 | 76-209
Damage (Poison Nova): 118-153 | 209-243
| Attack Rating (Attack): 780 | 492
| Defense: 1220 | 1355
| Stamina: 440
Life: 604 | 570
Mana: 367 | 583
| Fire Resistance (Hell): -20 | -18
| Cold Resistance (Hell): -2 | -28
| Lightning Resistance (Hell): 37 | -29
| Poison Resistance (Hell): -60 | -58
| Poznámka: celkový Damage ostatních zbraní je uveden v popisu předmětů!
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Poison Nova (level 7 | 13)
Corpse Explosion (level 9 | 15)
Decrepify (level 2 | 8)
Iron Maiden (level 2 | 8)
Amplify Damage (level 2 | 8)
Life Tap (level 3 | 9)
Revive (level 4 | 10)
Fire Golem (level 4 | 10)
Raise Skeleton Mage (level 4 | 10)
Raise Skeleton (level 4 | 10)
Bone Armor (level 5 | 11)
Bone Prison (level 2 | 8)
Skeleton Mastery (level 9 | 15)
Golem Mastery (level 4 | 10)
Summon Resist (level 2 | 8)
Výbava: |
Weapon Tab 1 |
Bloodtree Stump War Club 'Um'
Damage: 160-235
+198% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Crushing Blow
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+25 to Strength
All Resistances +20
150% Damage to Undead
+2 to Masteries (Barbarian Only)
+3 to Mace Mastery (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Um Rune
Mir's Swordguard Executioner Sword
Damage: 134-226
Damage (Attack): 376-679
Weapon Tab 2 |
Ume's Lament Grim Wand
Damage: 5-11
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
Hit Causes Monster to Flee 50%
+40 to Mana
150% Damage to Undead
Deathbit Battle Dart
Throw Damage: 29-61
One-Hand Damage: 22-41
Damage (Throw): 115-308
| Shield:
Plague Guard Minion Skull 'Um'
Defense: 138
Chance to Block: 43%
10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Charged Bolt When Struck
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
30% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
Adds 13-28 Poison Damage over 4 Seconds
Fire Resist +22%
Cold Resist +30%
Lightning Resist +22%
Poison Resist +22%
Half Freeze Duration
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Um Rune
Stormchaser Scutum
Defense: 161
Chance to Block: 54%
Storm Shroud Ornate Plate 'Eth'
Defense: 897
+99% Enhanced Defense
+24 to Life
Regenerate Mana 15%
Fire Resist +16%
Lightning Resist +24%
Poison Length Reduced by 25%
Requirements -40%
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Eth Rune
| Helm:
Glyph Hood Coronet
Defense: 72
Level 1 Teleport (22 Charges)
+1 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+91 to Attack Rating
+77% Enhanced Defense
+8 to Strength
+27 to Life
Lava Gout Battle Gauntlets
Defense: 133
2% Chance to Cast Level 10 Enchant on Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 13-46 Fire Damage
+179% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +24%
Half Freeze Duration
| Boots:
Aldur's Advance Battle Boots
Defense: 43
40% Faster Run/Walk
+50 to Life
+180 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 32%
10% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Spirit Lash Sharkskin Belt
Defense: 48
+31% Enhanced Defense
+16 to Strength
Replenish Life +3
Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +5%
Attacker Takes Damage of 3
| Amulet:
The Eye of Etlich
+1 to All Skill Levels
Adds 1-4 Cold Damage
5% Life Stolen per Hit
+38 Defense vs. Missile
+1 to Light Radius
Ring 1:
Eagle Band
+116 to Attack Rating
+7 to Dexterity
+17 to Life
+29 to Mana
Cold Resist +18%
Lightning Resist +34%
Stone of Jordan
| Ring 2:
Eagle Band
+116 to Attack Rating
+7 to Dexterity
+17 to Life
+29 to Mana
Cold Resist +18%
Lightning Resist +34%
Stone of Jordan
Large Charm of Vita (+30 to Life)
Iron Large Charm of Strength (+33 to Attack Rating, +5 to Strength)
Glowing Large Charm of Sustenance (Adds 1-10 Lightning Damage, +19 to Life)
Shivering Large Charm of Strength (Adds 5-9 Cold Damage, +3 to Strength)
Large Charm of Strength (+4 to Strength)
Large Charm of Storms (Adds 1-26 Lightning Damage)
Small Charm of Incineration (Adds 5-10 Fire Damage)
Lapis Small Charm of Dexterity (+2 to Dexterity, Cold Resist +7%)
Iron Small Charm of Dexterity (+18 to Attack Rating, +2 to Dexterity)
Rugged Small Charm of Sustenance (+15 to Life, +4 Maximum Stamina)
Small Charm of Pestilence (+25 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds)