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Komentář autora:
"Tuhle postavu jsem udělala, protože jsem našla Hexfire a Whistans guard. Hexfire přidává do fire skills a štít blokuje tak, že i s poměrně nízkou dex je blok na 75%. Ani kuš(explod.arr) ani meč (ITD) nepotřebují AR. Před bojem se nahodí štíty a enchant a TS, a potom buď frost nova na zpomalení nebo firewall pod nohy při boji s mečem. Kuš používá na dálku a kombinuje to s teleportem, chtělo by to knockback. Protože masteries zřejmě ovlivňují i element. škodu z charmů a věcí, je skutečná damage větší, než zobrazená. Používá defiance pomocníka z 2.aktu. Na multiplayer by to asi chtělo lepší zbraň (Lightsabre) a brnčo s větší def.. ale za tu zábavu to stojí i na single."
Titul: Matriarch
Jméno: Yennefer
Postava: Sorceress
Typ: Expansion Open Softcore
Level: 80
Experience: 683.891.124
Next Level: 742.730.244
Strength: 144
Dexterity: 160
Vitality: 208
Energy: 103
| Damage (Attack): 204-657 | 136-568
Damage (Fire Wall): 678-744 | 294-355
| Damage (Thunder Storm): 245-513
| Attack Rating (Attack): 709 | 786
| Defense: 1208 | 1039
| Stamina: 371
Life: 829
Mana: 415
| Fire Resistance (Hell): 85 | 64
| Cold Resistance (Hell): 55 | 36
| Lightning Resistance (Hell): 84 | 65
| Poison Resistance (Hell): 48 | 29
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Fire Wall (level 5 | 2)
Thunder Storm (level 10)
Static Field (level 3)
Frost Nova (level 5)
Enchant (level 23 | 20)
Frozen Armor (level 7)
Energy Shield (level 3)
Teleport (level 1)
Lightning Mastery (level 11)
Fire Mastery (level 23 | 20)
Warmth (level 4 | 1)
Výbava: |
Weapon Tab 1 |
Yennefer's Hexfire Shamshir 'Shael'
Damage: 62-102
Level 6 Hydra (36 Charges)
+3 to Fire Skills
20% Increased Attack Speed
+149% Enhanced Damage
Adds 35-40 Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+10% to Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +25%
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Shael Rune
| Shield:
Yennefer's Whitstan's Guard Round Shield
Defense: 154
Chance to Block: 75%
40% Faster Block Rate
55% Increased Chance of Blocking
+175% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +19
Half Freeze Duration
+5 to Light Radius
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Perfect Diamond
Weapon Tab 2 |
Hellcast Heavy Crossbow
Damage: 26-48
20% Increased Attack Speed
Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts
+78% Enhanced Damage
+70 to Attack Rating
Adds 15-35 Fire Damage
+15% to Maximum Fire Resist
Fire Resist +15%
Smoke Sharktooth Armor 'NefLum'
Defense: 434
Level 6 Weaken (18 Charges)
20% Faster Hit Recovery
+75% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense vs. Missile
+10 to Energy
All Resistances +50
-1 to Light Radius
Socketed (2)
Sockets: Nef Rune, Lum Rune
| Helm:
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest Death Mask
Defense: 127
10% Mana Stolen per Hit
10% Life Stolen per Hit
+45 Defense
+60 to Life
+30 to Mana
All Resistances +15
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Socketed (1)
Sockets: Ith Rune
Sander's Taboo Heavy Gloves
Defense: 28
20% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 9-11 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds
+23 Defense
+40 to Life
| Boots:
Gore Rider War Boots
Defense: 151
30% Faster Run/Walk
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike
10% Chance of Open Wounds
+180% Enhanced Defense
+20 Maximum Stamina
Requirements -25%
Thundergod's Vigor War Belt
Defense: 155
5% Chance to Cast Level 7 Fist of Heavens When Struck
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
+193% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+20 Lightning Absorb
+3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon Only)
+3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon Only)
| Amulet:
The Mahim-Oak Curio
10% Bonus to Attack Rating
+10% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
+10 to Vitality
+10 to Energy
All Resistances +10
Ring 1:
Scintillating Ring of Wizardry
+20 to Energy
All Resistances +14
| Ring 2:
Entropy Whorl
2% Life Stolen per Hit
+9 to Strength
+7 to Dexterity
+19 to Life
All Resistances +10
Half Freeze Duration
Serpent's Grand Charm of Storms (Adds 1-28 Lightning Damage, +56 to Mana)
Coral Grand Charm of Sustenance (+22 to Life, Lightning Resist +25%)
Grand Charm of Balance (12% Faster Hit Recovery)
Large Charm of Incineration (Adds 10-16 Fire Damage)
Large Charm of Sustenance (+25 to Life)
Large Charm of Vita (+35 to Life)
Fine Large Charm of Sustenance (+3 to Maximum Damage, +14 to Attack Rating, +23 to Life)
Large Charm of Storms (Adds 1-35 Lightning Damage)
Hibernal Large Charm (Adds 15-29 Cold Damage)
Iron Large Charm of Vita (+34 to Attack Rating, +30 to Life)
Shocking Large Charm of Inertia (5% Faster Run/Walk, Adds 1-87 Lightning Damage)
Coral Large Charm of Balance (8% Faster Hit Recovery, Lightning Resist +11%)
Azure Large Charm of Storms (Adds 1-34 Lightning Damage, Cold Resist +7%)
Large Charm of Incineration (Adds 10-17 Fire Damage)
Garnet Small Charm of Lightning (Adds 1-8 Lightning Damage, Fire Resist +9%)
Glowing Small Charm of Thunder (Adds 2-28 Lightning Damage)
Arcing Small Charm (Adds 1-41 Lightning Damage)
Glowing Small Charm of Thunder (Adds 2-28 Lightning Damage)
Small Charm of Strength (+2 to Strength)
Small Charm of Strength (+2 to Strength)
Ruby Small Charm (Fire Resist +11%, 6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)